We returned to Alaska in May to find spring and summer had not arrived. Snow was still on the mountains, and more was yet to come, so we visited friends and family. Our first trip to the cabin was on May 29. We went to Lake Chelatna on 6/3 and the entire lake was still choked with ice except for a narrow strip on the south end which allowed us to take the boat downstream for a picnic and some fishing.
Our picnic spot on the shore.
Our boat anchored along Lake Creek. Nice day and we were the only ones fishing.
We had planned a drive to Tangle Lakes, but a snowstorm and 12 inches of snow on the Denali highway made us postpone our trip. Our wedding anniversary was June 30th and we drove to Hatcher Pass for lunch. Fog was drifting in/out of the area and snow still present in places.
Hatcher Pass lodge on a foggy day with Independence Mine in the background. The location is "off grid" and a generator is running to supply power.
Snowdrift along the road just below the Lodge.
Weather finally changed and we drove to Tangle Lakes July 2-5 for three days of birding and fishing at Tangle River Inn located on the Denali Highway. The lodge has a diesel generator running 24 hours a day to supply power and hot water to the restaurant, guest cabins, and bunkhouse. Guests included a couple from Switzerland, a group of 20 bicyclers from all over the United States, and a few Alaska residents. Ice still on a few lakes, but good birding (42 species).
Donna at the Maclaren River with Maclaren Glacier and Alaska range in the background.
Hiking the mountainside looking for Smith's Longspur. Note the added protection on my belt.
Our picture (with the finger of the person taking it) at a wayside kiosk. It is surprising but this area is designated as having some of the densest concentrations of archaeological resources in the North American subarctic. More than 500 sites indicate that ancient peoples inhabited this area for at least 10,000 years. The Alaska Range is in the background with elevations over 12,000 feet.
The 800 mile Alaska Pipeline running from the North Slope to Valdez is also along the Richardson Highway, and emerged from below to above ground at Summit Lake. The inspection road alongside the pipeline is a popular place for 4-wheeler's.
Long-tailed Ducks on the edge of ice at Lake Chelatna. We were able to get quite close to them by paddling with oars.
Young bull moose across from the cabin.
We stopped at Sheep Mountain lodge for coffee and cinnamon rolls. Note the beautiful flowers.
July 9, 2018 we were sitting on the porch at our remote cabin and had this cow moose with twin calves walk up the runway.
We had the Polaris Ranger brought in by helicopter in 2016 for the purpose of not using the 1945 Caterpillar as much. Vic is pictured her on 7/11/18 with a load of firewood brought in using the Ranger.
7-20-2018. Making timbers or lumber at the cabin L-R. 1. Cut a tree down and bring it in. Smaller ones can be done with Kubota. 2. Put log on sawmill bed. 3. Trim to size...this one is 6" x 6" and 12 feet long. 4. Apply wood preservative if using underground or outside.
7-21-18 We were having coffee on the deck when this black bear wandered up the runway just across from the cabin.
7-21-18. We saw several Spruce Grouse while walking our trails, but no photos. This is a picture taken in 2015 when one walked out on the runway and just looked at us.