Sign near the East entrance to Death Valley.
Borax was mined at Death Valley and we visited the Harmony Borax Works where 20-mule teams were used to haul borax.
A wider view of the Borax mine.
Death Valley is the largest National Park in the lower 48 at 3.4 million acres and also boasts the lowest elevation in the United States. The highest peak in Death Valley is 11,049 feet elevation. Death Valley also holds the highest temperature in the world of 134 degrees F.
One of the most visited attractions in Death Valley is Artist's Palette with aprons of green, purple, pink, brown, and black rock.
We visited Shoshone on the South side of Death Valley and walked some of the trails.
Another walking trail where Shoshone spring pours water into this desert oasis and is also home for the endangered Shoshone Pupfish.
Near the North end just outside Death Valley is the deserted mining town of Rhyolite where gold was discovered. Populations reached almost 8,000 until the gold ran out and the town quickly faded into history.
Donna by Tom Kelley's Bottle House built in 1906.
Vic by the Las Vegas and Tonopah Depot erected in 1909.