We departed the Big Bend country and started West with a brief overnight stop at Van Horn, TX then on to Rodeo, NM at the foothills of the Chiricahua Mountains, former home of Cochise. Our visit included a trip to Rustler Pass, elevation 8,500, birding at Cave Creek Lodge, and a Super Bowl party at our RV park.
Looking west from Rodeo, NM at the Chiricahua's
Rustler Pass, elevation 8,500. There were a few scattered snowdrifts along the road near the peak.
Coatamundi is a member of the raccoon family. This one was feeding off of dropped bird seed below the feeders at Cave Creek Lodge.
Javelina's also knew about the bird feed and were at Cave Creek Lodge feeders.
We know we are in the desert southwest when we find a roadrunner.
There was no TV station available with the Super Bowl on, but the RV park had a private open bar and "streamed" the game with 8 in attendance.
Birding at the Slaughter Ranch which is another desert oasis because of the water.