Cambridge is a well known university center North of London. Duxford is near Cambridge and has one of five Imperial War Museums (IWM) in England. During WW II, it was a fighter base. Exhibits are in large hangars and include the American Air Museum, Battle of Britain, Air and Sea Exhibit, 1940 Ops Room, Land Warfare, Civil and Military aircraft, and cafes for dining. You can buy a 30 minute ride in a Spitfire for about $4,000. Aircraft were practicing for the annual airshow that weekend.
RAF Spitfire
This is the most well known aircraft used by Britain, but much of the war was also fought by Hurricane's.
1914 Rolls-Royce
I visited P&A Wood, an official heritage dealer for Rolls-Royce and Bentley automobiles. It was another world to sit in a 1914 Rolls Royce for sale at over two million dollars, look at a show room full of very expensive Rolls Royce and Bentley’s, and learn that a Saudi prince had his personal Rolls flown to England for service by P&A Wood, etc.
Flight over cambridge
Jeff flew out of England in the 90's. A friend of his took me to a private airfield, rolled out his Messerschmitt Bolkow, and then gave me an airborne tour of Cambridge and landed on the grass field at IWM Duxford where Jeff was waiting.