Kahiltna Glacier with Denali in the backround

Kahiltna Glacier with Denali in the backround

Vic leaving cabin with autumn colors in the background

Vic leaving cabin with autumn colors in the background

Picking wild blueberries. Sandra then made a pie.

Sandra with more blueberries in front of our Polaris Ranger

Sandra with more blueberries in front of our Polaris Ranger

Termination Dust (Snow) on the Alaska Range behind the cabin

Termination Dust (Snow) on the Alaska Range behind the cabin

Vic with our limit of 4 fish.  Sandra won the largest fish contest.

Vic with our limit of 4 fish. Sandra won the largest fish contest.

Piper in front of the cabin

Piper in front of the cabin

Sandra’s photo of foliage colors.

Sandra’s photo of foliage colors.

Closeup photo of Sandra

Closeup photo of Sandra

Sandra at Arctic Roadrunner

Sandra at Arctic Roadrunner

One last airborne picture of fall foliage where Sandra’s cousin Lynn-Doug live with Knik Glacier in the background

One last airborne picture of fall foliage where Sandra’s cousin Lynn-Doug live with Knik Glacier in the background