We left the Big Bend area and traveled to Bracketville TX, staying at the RV park in Ft. Clark Springs which is part of Bracketville. We spent four days there and visited Kickapoo Cavern State Park, Del Rio and Amistad Lake, plus spending time exploring Ft. Clark Springs.
Ft. Clark Springs was established in 1852 and was used for various military missions over the years. It was last used during WW II to train 12,000 for cavalry duty. After the cavalry was completely mechanized, it was closed down in 1946 and purchased by Brown & Root for salvage and later as a guest ranch. In 1971 it was purchased by Towns of Texas and is now a gated resort community complete with hunting and fishing, a swimming.motel, golf course, and RV park. Water for which it is named comes an up-welling pouring out 12-14 millions of gallons per day.
A different species of deer than we usually see.
American ingenuity never ceases to amaze us. This unit was across from our parking spot.
View of Kickapoo Cavern area after climbing Armadillo Trail. The state park is open only from Friday thru Monday and utilized mostly by tent campers and hikers.
Donna in front of the Kickapoo Cavern cave entrance. Later in the year millions of Mexican Free-tail Bats will boil in/out of the cave. Tours are given of the unlighted cave. Vic walked down and in for a short distance to explore..
Del Rio, TX has a nice river walk along the San Felipe river which is formed from another up-welling pouring out 10-12 million gallons per day. Vic took USAF basic gunnery at nearby Laughlin AFB in 1954. My how time flies!
No post is complete without a bird picture or two. This is a Coopers Hawk perched along the river walk in Del Rio.
This is a Great Egret sitting high above the river walk in Del Rio.